Learn how to define settings for hour entries, hour approvals and time management restrictions
Define the default work hours for the day
Specify the default start time for bulk entries
Configure the hourly intervals for the timesheet/calendar view
Define the hour balance limit
- Import hour entries from Excel file
Remember to configure the default time tracking details before you start tracking hours in Heeros PSA.
Permissions: Admin / Time Tracker
Define default settings for time entries
To access your Time tracker settings:
Navigate to Settings from your profile on the top right corner
Navigate to Feature settings and select Time Management
Here you can view the Time tracker, Hour balance management and Overtime balance management
Navigate to Time Tracker to configure the default settings for time entries
How to configure default time tracking details
Before tracking hours and creating time entries, remember to add the default working hours for the day and define the other time tracking details as explained below.
Time tracking details:
Work hours/day - Specify the default working hours for a day
Hour balance- The Work hour balance is the difference between the number of work hours specified and the daily hours entered by a user. Here you can choose to display the hour balance just for the current month or for all registrations.
Start of day for bulk entries- Specify the start time for entries added from the bulk entry sheet.
This means, when hours are added to a project in the Bulk entry sheet, it automatically picks up this time as the start time for the project.
This can be later edited from the calendar view. Click here to learn more about adding bulk entries.
Hourly intervals in calendar view- You can add the intervals at which you would like to add time entries in the calendar. For example, when you specify the time interval as 15 mins, you can add times entries for every 15 min interval.
Defining hour balance limit
As an admin, you can specify the daily hours for a user in the User Management settings. When the user starts tracking their hours, the total accrued hours may sometimes be more or less, depending on the hours tracked on a daily basis. This is called the user's work hour balance.
When the users' hour balance exceeds or is below a certain limit, they can be notified about this. These notifications can be enabled from the users' profile and are sent only when the hour balance exceeds or is below the limit specified in the Time Management settings as described below.
To define the hour balance limit:
Navigate to the Heeros PSA settings
Click on Feature Settings
Click on Time Management
Navigate to Time Tracking Details under Time Tracker
Add the maximum hours and minimum hours for the notification to be sent
When the users' hour balance exceeds this limit, a notification will be sent if they have enabled the Time Tracker notifications in their profile
When the users' hour balance is below this limit, a notification will be sent if they have enabled the Time Tracker notifications in their profile
Import hour entries from Excel file
You can import hour entries from an Excel file. From the setting's description you can download an empty file template where you enter the needed data.
By clicking Import hour entries you are able to choose the file from your computer and choose the importable data. The program informs you about possible errors in the data, for example if the mentioned user is not found.