Learn how to add meeting notes and other relevant information to your accounts.
Add a note or a memo
Print a memo
Delete a memo
Record and document a meeting's proceedings and account-related information to inform those involved.
Permissions: Projects, Project memo, Accounts, Account memo
Add a note or memo
A memo usually includes a written summary of a meeting or an upcoming meeting. A meeting memo usually contains a few details regarding the meeting, including the date (and time), location, and matters discussed.
In Heeros PSA you can create memo, print them and share them with your team and clients.
To add a memo:
Navigate to the Accounts or Projects page from the sidebar
Click on an account/project.
Navigate to Memo in the header
Click on Add new to add a memo
Add a title to save the memo automatically

Adding multiple memos
Click on the green button to add more memos. All the memos will be listed underneath each other in the list.

Print and delete a memo
Click on the memo
Navigate to Options
Click on Print memo to print a pdf copy
Click on Delete memo to permanently delete a memo