- Accessing Activities Dashboard
- Activities Insights
- Activities by Type
- Activities list
- Adding a new Activity
The Activities Insights dashboard gives you a quick overview of all the activities associated with specific teams, team members and accounts.
Permissions: Insights > Activities Insights
Accessing Activities Dashboard
To access this data:
- Navigate to the left sidebar
- Click on Insights
- Click on Activities
- Select the relevant Time period, Team and the other relevant fields
- Scroll down to view the Activities Insights, Activities by Type and Activities List
Activities Insights
You can get a quick overview of all your overdue, due and completed activities from here.
Activities by Type
Here you can view the types of activities (email, call, meetings, notes, etc.) that are scheduled or completed for a given user, account or team.
Activities List
Here you can get a detailed overview of all the activities assigned to a user.
Fields explained:
- Type- The type of activity- note, email, call, meeting, Skype calls, etc.
- Status- Due, Overdue or Done
- Created- Activity creation date
- Reminder- Notification date
- Account/Project- Account or project associated with the activity
- Description- Describe the activity
- Contact- Contact associated with the Project
- Created by- User who has created the activity
- Targeted to- To whom the activity is assigned to
Note: To hide, sort or remove a column, simply click on the vertical ellipses symbol (⋮) next to a field in the Activity List header.
Adding a new Activity
You can add a new activity by either clicking on the green + symbol from the Activities List table or by clicking on the 'Add New' tab in the header of your Heeros PSA account.