Gantt View gives you a visualized breakdown of your project tasks and their resourcing.
- Search for tasks or filter the contents of the view
- Add a new task
- Following resourced hours
Gantt View shows you your project tasks in a visual format, divided by projects, users, priority and type. Priorities and types are defined in the settings and you can select if those are needed in your organization.
Permissions: Resourcing
Search for tasks or filter the contents of the view
To refine your search, you can filter your tasks by time span, account, project, project with/without tasks, status, sales pipeline, user or team.

Visibility Filters
You can view information by project, user, priority or type.
Project: Tasks listed by projects.
User: Tasks listed by users.
Priority: Tasks listed by a priority defined for a task.
Type: Tasks listed by a type defined for a task.
Type is shown only when it’s defined in the resourcing settings. If types at not defined, section is not shown at all in the resourcing.

This option allows you to define how project structures and tasks are displayed, for example for sub tasks.

Eye icon Filter
By clicking the eye icon you can specify in detail the information to be displayed.

Define which total rows are shown at the bottom of the view:
Show a total row of all tasks
Show a total row for all your personal tasks
Show total row
Choices related to task information and visibility:
Show percentage in tracking and remaining columns
Show ongoing tasks
Show completed tasks
Choices related to project visibility:
Show entire tree structure
Show search hits & sub projects
Show projects without tasks
Show projects with tasks
From the Columns section, you can also define which columns you want to display.
Click Columns to view a list of available columns.

Time Filters
You can display tasks by hour, day, week or month. Zoom in or out to see more or less of the chosen time span.

Add a new task
You can add a new task in the Grid, Gantt and List views, or from Heeros PSA's general Add New menu.
Click New task.
Select a project.
Select type, if enabled.
Select Main task, in case you are adding a sub task for an existing task.
Enter a description. The description is displayed as the task name in different views.
Write notes. This internal information is only shown in Resourcing view.
Select priority, if enabled.
Select Time span. If you want to define a specific time, click Book specific hours and select a time.
Specify allocated hours, ie. how many hours are allocated to the task.
If necessary, define a recurring task by clicking repeat.
Assign a user to the task. You can select either a single user or a team. In case of a team, a list of users in the team will be added to the task.
Assign resourced hours for each user by adding hours or click Share hours evenly to divide allocated hours between users. Use this function when exactly the same amount of hours are needed for each user.
Click Save.

Following resourced hours
You can follow resourced hours by users. For example, when you have resourced a task for a one week but a user has done only 2 hours instead of 7,5 hours during Monday and Tuesday, Heeros PSA calculated undone hours for the rest of the days.
Resourcing > Gantt > User
Go to user view to check undone hours.