Learn how to connect Google Calendar to Heeros PSA, manage calendar entries in Heeros PSA, and add time entries & activities from the Google event.
Integrate Google Calendar with Heeros PSA
Add and manage calendar entries in Heeros PSA
Create time entries from the Google event
Create activities from the Google event
You can integrate your Google Calendar with Heeros PSA to manage and view your calendar entries in Heeros PSA. You can also create time entries and add activities to your projects from the Google Calendar event.
How to integrate Google Calendar with Heeros PSA
Navigate to the Integrations feature from the sidebar
Select Calendar
Click on Get activation code
Choose the Google account that you'd want to integrate
Approve Google to access the Heeros PSA Calendar
Copy the activation code
Go back to your Heeros PSA account and paste the access code
Click Authenticate to finalise integration
How to add and manage Calendar entries
Now that you have connected Google to Heeros PSA, you can add, edit and manage calendar entries straight from Heeros PSA.
Navigate to Integrations from the sidebar
Select Calendar
Add your Calendar and add other calendars from here
Click on the rows in the Calendar view to create a new event
One click on the existing event allows you to edit the event in the Heeros PSA interface
Double click on an existing event opens a new window to edit the event in the Google Calendar view
How to add a time entry from the Google Calendar event
Navigate to Integrations from the sidebar
Select Calendar
Click on an event once. Double click would open the event in the Google calendar interface
Navigate to options
Click on Add time entry to create a time entry for the event
This opens a new dialog box where you can update the details for the time entry
Click on Save
You can see the time entry in your Time Tracker
How to add an activity from the Google Calendar event
Navigate to Integrations from the sidebar
Select Calendar
Click on an event once. Double click would open the event in the Google calendar interface
Navigate to options
Click on Add activity to create an activity from the event
This opens a new dialog box where you can update the details for the activity
Click on Save
You can see the scheduled activity in the Project Details page