Manage user's work hours and hour balance on user card.
- Defining employment type & working hours
- Editing employment type & working hours, archiving and deleting
- Employment type and working hours view
- Week days
- Filters
- Managing user's hour balance
You can define on user card's time tracking section expected work time per day. Use either percent or hours. Notice that if you define working hours by percent, calculation happens based on the previous period when hours has been used.
When defining working hours, you can add those based on ready made templates that you can manage in the time tracker settings. When templates are used, it's possible to filter employees based on defined employment types.
On the user card, you can manage also user's hour balance changes.
Permissions: Admin
Defining employment type & working hours
You can define user's working hours for different periods by adding working hours by percent or hours:
- Go to Settings > User management > Users > (select a user) > User - Time tracking.
- Click Add a definition.
- If you want to use a template, you can select it from the list and in this case you do not need to modify days hours or percent, or define hour balance accumulation. If needed, you can however freely modify details coming from the template.
- Define start date and end date.
- Write a description.
- Define or check work day length, either by hours or percent by using % mark.
- Define if you want to accumulate hour balance during the defined period.
Examples of different working times
In the example below, user's work time starting from 1.6.2022 is 60 % from Monday to Thursday, and it's calculated from the user's normal work time (7,5 hours), Fridays is off.
Heeros PSA calculates automatically daily work time expectation and average weekly hours.
In the example below, user's work time is 7,5h from Mon to Fri. End date is not set, so work time is active for the time being.
Editing employment type & working hours, archiving and deleting
Working hour rows with active status can be edited and deleted. You can edit also previous periods' working hours or archive those, but notice that editing hours will effect to previous periods hour balance. Coming periods' working hours can be modified or deleted.
Archived work hour rows can be reactivated. Reactivating might effect to previous work hour periods' hour balances.
To edit, archive or delete:
- Click three point menu in the beginning of the row.
- Select function: edit, archive or delete.
- If you edit, save changes by clicking green save button in the beginning of the row.
Employment type and working hours view
Week days
You can select week day you want to be shown from eye icon menu.
- Click eye icon.
- Select days from the list.
By default, all working hour rows are shown on the employment type & working hours view, but you can filter those selecting all, active or archived from filter menu.
Managing user's hour balance
Single user's hour balance can be managed from hour balance section on time tracking view. You can manage all users' hour balance changes from time tracker settings. Hour balance change is needed e.g. when a user keeps accumulated hours as hour balance leave.
- Click Add a row.
- Define hours, meaning hour balance amount change.
- E.g. if you want to remove 10 hours, add amount -10.
- E.g. if you want to add 10 hours, add amount 10.
- Define change date, meaning the date when hour balance correction will be done to the hour balance.
- Add a description for hour balance change.