In the Time Management settings, it is possible to activate hours approval feature. This means that hour entries have to be approved by project manager/supervisor before they can be invoiced on a project invoice. If setting is disabled, tracked hours are automatically billable (when project is billable).
It is also possible to define if users should submit their hours for approval or if hours are automatically shown for the approver.
In Hours Approval view uninvoiced hours can also be edited, depending on the permissions and settings.
Permissions: Time tracker > Supervisor approval rights/Approve all users hours /Approve own projects, Delete workhours (All users)
PSA plans: Enterprise, Enterprise+
Hour status
When the settings for submitting and approving hours are activated, four different statuses are available for hours. (Without the setting, the hours are approved automatically.)
- Waiting: Default status for a new entry, the employee can still edit hours.
- Submitted: Hours submitted by the employee and sent for approval by the supervisor/project manager.
- Approved: Approved hours that can no longer be edited unless their status is changed.
- Declined: Declined hours for which the supervisor/project manager can give a reason for decline. The employee can make the necessary corrections for these hours and submit them again.
In the calendar view of hour entries, the hour status icon is displayed in the upper right corner of the hour entry.
- Timer: Submitted
- Thumbs up: Approved
- Thumbs down: Declined. The reason for the decline appears when you move the cursor over the status icon.
- Empty: Waiting
Hours Approval view
With the search filters in the Hours Approval view, you can filter the displayed hours, for example, from a certain time interval or per user.
From the View drop-down menu, you can group the list view (Note! The drop-down menu is only available if the timesheet review and approval workflow a.k.a submitting hours is enabled in the time Management settings):
- Approval of hour entries: all hours listed.
- Summary by user: total hours grouped by user and account.
- Summary by projects: total hours grouped by account/project and user.
In the summary views, you can see the hours in their entirety and you can focus into details.
Hide and unhide the columns of the view as needed.
- Approve h: you can see the hours in blue that are waiting for approval per user. By clicking on the hours, you get to the list view, where the hours are listed.
- Tracked h: tracked hours of the selected period.
- Expected h: working time expectation defined in the user's profile
- Absence/Vacation: all hours in those projects which invoicing status is defined as Absence/Vacation.
- Balance change: the change in the hour balance compared to the balance on the first day of the time period.
- Overtime change: the change in the overtime compared to the overtime on the first day of the time period.
- Customer h: all hours added for projects that are not own company projects or Absence/Vacation billing status projects.
- Internal h: all hours added for projects that are own company projects or Absence/Vacation billing status projects.
- Not submitted: the hours for the selected period that the user has not yet submitted.
- All tracked h: All hours tracked/added by the user in total.
- Project budgeted: By clicking on the person's name, you get a view of the projects for which the user's hours have been budgeted.
- Project allocated: hours allocated to project.
Approving, declining, editing and deleting hours
In Hours approval view, select the hours by clicking on the box in front of the row. You can see the editing options for hours in top of the hour list.
- Approve: hours are approved.
- Set to waiting: hours are returned to Waiting status.
- Decline: the hours are returned to the user for editing. After declining, a window appears where you can enter the reason for decline.
- Export: the selected rows are exported to an excel file.
- Edit: edit hours' information in a new window, e.g. date, description, overtime description, project, task or jobtype. The user can view edited entries from the Edited entries section of the list view.
- Delete: hours are deleted. In the opening window, enter the reason for the deletion, which the user can see in the Edited entries section list view.
Note! Editing and deleting hours is not possible if:
- hours have been invoiced.
- the hour entry restriction defined in the time management settings is fulfilled (Restrict editing previous month entries).
- Editing and deleting approved hours is only possible with the permission Delete workhours (All users).