Job types and professional titles enable the classification, pricing, and reporting of work hours.
Hourly pricing can be structured using three elements:
Job Types (e.g., internal, planning, implementation) are classification factors defined in the time tracking settings, required for time entries.
Professional Titles (e.g., SKOL classifications) are first defined in time tracking settings and can then be assigned to users. A professional title is not mandatory for time tracking.
User Hourly Rate allows user-specific pricing for billable hours. This information is defined on the user card.
Default billing rates for job types and professional titles defined in settings can be overridden on account or project cards. The priority is as follows: Project-level rates > Account-level rates > Default settings rates.
Permissions: Admin
PSA plans: Free, Growth, Business, Enterprise, Enterprise+
Job Types
You can create various job types for classifying and pricing time entries, such as production, development, sales, marketing, internal meetings, etc. After defining them, users can select the appropriate job type for their time entries (this is a mandatory field). All or specific job types can be enabled for a project.
By default, new job types are billable. Setting a job type as non-billable allows internal hours or meetings to be logged to a project without appearing on the client’s invoice. When a job type is marked "non-billable," such time entries appear as non-billable in the project’s Actual Costs view. Any changes to this setting will retroactively affect project materials that have not yet been invoiced (except if the non-billable status was manually set for a specific time entry in the project’s Actual Costs view).
Adding Job Types in Settings
- Navigate to Settings > Feature Settings > Time Management > Job Types.
- Click Add Job Type.
- Name the job type.
- Define the hourly rate for the job type.
- Mark the job type as active.
- Specify whether the job type is billable or non-billable.
- (If you’ve integrated your accounting software with PSA, a related column might appear, allowing you to add accounting information to the job type.)
Archiving Job Type
Job types have different statuses, and the views in settings are divided accordingly:
- Active: All job types currently in use. Disable a job type by toggling the switch.
- Disabled: All job types that are not currently in use. These can be reactivated by toggling the switch back on.
- Archived: All archived job types that are no longer in use. Archived job types cannot be reactivated.
- All: All job types, regardless of their status.
If necessary, you can archive an unused job type. Archived job types remain associated with previous time entries and can still be used in reporting.
- Navigate to Settings > Feature Settings > Time Management > Job Types.
- Click the three dots (...) next to the job type you want to archive.
- Select Archive.
- Confirm the archiving by clicking OK.
Professional Titles
Professional titles are another classification and pricing method that can be used for reporting and billing work hours. Examples include SKOL classifications, project manager, sales representative, team leader, etc.
First, define professional titles and their default rates in the time tracking settings. Afterward, you can assign professional titles to users in User Management > Groups > Professional Titles or directly on the user card.
Adding Professional Titles in Settings
- Navigate to Settings > Feature Settings > Time Management - Professional Titles.
- Click Add Professional Title.
- Name the professional title, such as project manager, technician, designer, etc.
- Define the hourly rate for the professional title.
The professional title is saved automatically.
Assigning Professional Titles to Users
- Navigate to Settings > User Management > Groups > Professional Titles.
- You’ll see the professional titles added in the time tracking settings. Assign the desired users to each professional title group using the dropdown menu.
This information can also be added individually on the user card.
User Hourly Rate
You can define a user-specific billing hourly rate on the user card. This rate is applied to the user’s billable hours unless overridden by account or project-specific rates.
- Navigate to Settings > User Management > Users > (Selected User).
- Click Edit in the user’s details.
- Add the User Billable Hourly Rate.
- Click Save.
Pricing Examples
Case 1. In a scenario where account and project pricing includes rates for job types, professional titles, and users, the rates defined for the project are applied to the invoice.
- User-specific hourly rates override professional title and job type rates.
- If no user rate is defined, the professional title rate overrides the job type rate.
- If no user or professional title rate is set, PSA uses the rate defined for the job type.
Case 2. If account pricing includes rates for job types, professional titles, and users, and project pricing includes only the professional title rate associated with the user, the user’s hours on the project are billed based on the professional title rate defined on the project card, overriding other rates.
Case 3. If no specific rates are defined for the project or account, invoices will use the default rates defined in the time tracking or user settings, in the following order of precedence: User rate > Professional title rate > Job type rate.
Case 4. If you wish to increase the rates defined for professional titles at, for example, year-end, the new rates automatically apply to both new time entries and existing uninvoiced hours. To continue using old rates for previously logged uninvoiced hours, create entirely new professional titles with a unique identifier, such as the year, in the title.