In the Grid View you can view tasks by user or by project, and the amount of hours available for resourcing.
- View and filter content and retrieve tasks
- Resourcing for a User
- Resourcing to project
- Adding a Task
- Adding a user to a project team from resourcing
Grid View gives you an overview of your resources. You can make quick changes and easily manage and update tasks by day, week, or month, in percentages or hours. You can view also how many hours are still available for a task.
Permissions: Resourcing
View and filter content and retrieve tasks
View content in Grid-view
You can see resourcing on user, project, project task and task level. For each of these you see budgeted, allocated, resourced and tracked hours.
Sums on each level are following:
User row: A summary of all projects' and tasks' resourcing.
Project row: A summary of a project task and tasks' resourcing.
Project task row: Resourced hours for a project level.
Task row: Resourced hours for a task.
Search Filters
You can search tasks by time frame, account, project, sales pipeline, user or team.
Resourcing > Grid
Select desired search filters.
Click Search.
View Filters
Group By: User / Project: Select if you want to view tasks grouped by users or by projects.
Expand/Collapse: Select in what level you want to see tasks: collapse all, by user or by projects.
Resourced % / Resourced h / Available hours: Select to view resourcing by percentage or hours. Available hours shows you how much a task still has hours to do, based on tracked hours for previous days.
Eye Icon Options: By clicking on the Eye Icon you can define the information displayed in the resourcing views.
Hide/display total rows:
Display total row of all the tasks in the view
Display total row of all personal tasks
Display total row
Choices related to task information and visibility:
Display done tasks
Choices related to project visibility:
Display entire tree structure
Display projects without tasks
Display projects with tasks
You can also define the columns you want in the view.
Click on the arrow next to Columns and select the columns to be displayed from the dropdown menu.
Time Filter
You can view tasks by day, week or month. Select your preferred option from the Time Frame menu.
Grid View project and task functions
On the project row you can:
Add a task
Add users to the project team
View projects
On the task row you can:
Mark own task as done
Mark a task as done
Resourcing for a User
You can resource hours to a person on the project or task level.
Resourcing to task
You can make quick changes and easily manage and update tasks by day, week, or month, in percentages or hours. You can resource for multiple users at once.
Open the task rows that you want to resource to.
You can resource to multiple tasks at once.
Select the days/weeks/months you're resourcing to.
You can select multiple options.
Define resourced hours from the drop-down menu as hours or percentages.
Select hours or percentages, or
Enter information in the field and click on Save.
Resourcing to project
Use project resourcing when you don't want detailed task level resourcing, or you plan to define task level resourcing at a later stage. If you want to resource on a project level, make sure your resourcing settings allow this.
Open the project rows that you want to resource to.
You can resource to multiple projects at once.
Select the days/weeks/months you're resourcing to.
You can select multiple options.
Define resourced hours from the drop-down menu as hours or percentages.
Select hours or percentages, or
Enter information in the field and click on Save.
When you have resourced directly on project (project task level), you can change resourcing from the project task row. Project task is always visible under each project row, when there are done any resourcing on the project level.
Adding a Task
You can add a new task from the Grid, Gantt or List views, as well as Heeros PSA's general Add New menu.
Click on Add Task.
Grid View also allows task addition on the project row, through the Add Task icon.
Select project, that the task is added to.
Select type, if enabled.
Select Main task, if you're adding a sub task to an existing task.
Write a Description. This will be displayed as the task name in all views.
Write an Internal note. This internal message will only be displayed in the resourcing view.
Select Priority, if enabled.
Select Time frame. If you want to define a specific time of day, select Book specific hours and select the time.
Define allocated hours, or the total number of hours resourced to a task.
If necessary, define a recurring task by clicking repeat.
Assign a user to the task. You can select either a single user or a team. In case of a team, a list of users in the team will be added to the task.
Assign resourced hours for each user by adding hours or click Share hours evenly to divide allocated hours between users. Use this function when exactly the same amount of hours are needed for each user.
Click on Save.
Adding a user to a project team from resourcing
You can add a user to a project team directly from the resourcing.
Resursointi > Grid
Click on Add user icon on the project row.
Select a user you want to add to the project team. You can select multiple users when needed.
Click on Save.
Added user is shown and available for resourcing when Show users without task option is selected from the view menu.