Learn how to collect project data and build customised forms using the form builder.
Access forms in Heeros PSA
Build customised forms
Access and update forms in the project card
View form details in the Project list
Collect project-related data during the different stages of the project lifecycle.
Permissions: Admin / Pipeline access
How to build a form
The Form Builder allows you to create custom forms to collect project-related information at the different stages of the project lifecycle. The forms can be created from the Pipeline settings.
You can create custom forms for different pipelines and mark the fields as mandatory or optional. To create a form:
Navigate to the Heeros PSA Settings
Navigate to Feature Settings
Select Pipeline. Scroll down to Form Builder
Choose the Pipeline
Click on New form
Name the form
Click on Add field
You can choose from the options- Text, Text-area, Drop-down, Date, Radio, or Multi select
If you'd like the form fields to be visible on the project card and the list view, enable the toggle button that says Show in project's details & list
If you'd like the fields to be mandatory, enable the toggle button that says Required
In addition, you can define the stages of the sales pipeline where the form fields should be filled in if you selected the fields as mandatory
If you've enabled the list view settings, you will see these fields in the Project listing and in the project details in the project card
How to update forms for a project
Once you've built a form, you can view and update it from the specific project page. To access a form:
Navigate to the project list
If you've chosen the form to be visible in the list view, you can view and update the form in the list or the project card itself
If not, navigate to a project
You will be directed to the project overview page
Click on Forms in the header
You can see the form created for this pipeline
Update the details to autosave the form