Learn how to invoice project materials such as hours, bills, expenses, scheduled & recurring, sales quotes, and products.
- What is invoice material and project invoice?
- Customer's billing addresses and e-invoicing
- Invoicing methods
- How to create a project invoice?
- Managing invoice material
- Things to note in product invoicing
- Setting own work to accounting and reports
Invoicing projects and billable materials with Heeros PSA is quick and easy!
Create invoices with hours, scheduled & recurring invoices, bills, expenses, travel expenses, products, sales quotes and more...
Permissions: Invoicing
What is invoice material and project invoice?
Invoice material: Invoice material includes bills, expenses, travel expenses, scheduled and automated invoices, and sales quotes.
Project invoice: Is created for a project with added costs (invoicing material), such as the hours tracked to the project and invoice bills, invoice project-related expenses and travel expenses.
Customer's billing addresses and e-invoicing
Before you can create an invoice, you have to add your customer's invoicing details and billing addresses. If you haven't done this yet, read the instructions here.
Invoicing methods
Heeros PSA's strength is the possibility to do invoicing fast and even creating versatile and complicated contract billing. That's why information, such as invoice material is used on Heeros PSA.
What does project invoicing consist of?
Invoice material consists of the following billable information:
Scheduled invoicing
Expenses & travel expenses
Sales quote
Configure the invoicing methods for a project
These attributes can be defined project-specifically from the basic information of the project card to be invoiced under the Invoicing tab.
In the invoicing tab in the project, these can be configured for the project:
Invoicing method: Non-billable, billable, leave/vacation
Invoicing types: Hours, scheduled and automatic invoicing, bills invoicing, expenses invoicing and sales quote invoicing
Rule 1: The project must be billable for the invoicing material to become available for invoicing
Rule 2: Invoicing types must be activated for the invoicing material to become available for invoicing
Rule 3: "Invoicing starting from" date can be set from the date, from which on the hours and/ or expenses and travel expenses become available for invoicing
How to create a project invoice?
When creating an invoice with invoice material, Heeros PSA takes the information from the projects.
Creating an invoice is not different from creating a blank invoicing as such. Invoice material provides a quick way to create invoices.
When you create an invoice from invoice materials, Heeros PSA will retrieve the billable information directly from the projects.
Creation of the project invoice doesn’t actually differ from creating an empty invoice. Invoice material simply provides a fast way to create invoices. You can import invoicing material from several projects for the same account, and manage the invoiceable material through the Invoice material tab.
Invoice settings
You can define by invoice, for example, the form of date, language, barcode visibility, and much more.
Delivery: Define a form of delivery different from your default setting.
Invoice VAT %: Select any VAT% pre-defined in your settings.
Print settings: Define information to be displayed on printed invoices. You can, for example, print an invoice without unit price, VAT or total.
Invoice language: Invoice language can be defined by each invoice. Select languages in your Settings.
Date format: Define the preferred form of date in the default settings.
Print barcode: You can choose to have a barcode visible in the printable invoice.
Currency: Invoice currency can be defined in the settings.
Show already invoiced total on invoice
Show material period on invoice
Add attachments
Add hour report
Configure which rows you'd like to invoice from the invoice material and categories of invoice rows.
When creating an invoice, the selection "Invoice material" appears. This will appear when creating a project invoice.
You can edit and manage invoice material by clicking the Invoicing material button (see image below).
Managing invoice material
With the invoice material, the information coming to the invoice is managed. From the invoice material, you can choose what to invoice and what to move to be invoiced later. Invoice material can be also used for managing already created invoices, to add hours that can no longer be invoiced, for example.
Now you'll see the following rows (with their information) in the invoice material pop-up window:
Creation date
Job type
Unit price
Tot. 0%
Selling price
There are three separate sum columns in the invoice material:
Unit price: This column indicates the unit price
Tot. 0%: This column row-specifically indicates the sum which is set for the invoice rows during exportation. Here the unit prices of the project-related expenses, sales quotes and expenses and travel expenses can be managed. This is not possible for the hours. This is because the calculation is done automatically by the Heeros PSA software.
Selling price: Heeros PSA can calculate the actual billing price. This column row-specifically indicates what the actual billing price is, if the sum is edited in the invoice row. This sum is registered to the reports. This way the actual billing price is achieved (not about so-called zero hours).
The customer has been sold 10hrs * 100€/h = 1 000€ is the 0% unit price.
However, 20 hours were used for the job, but only 10 of them can be invoiced. In this instance, the actual billable hourly rate is 50€/h.
Work was done faster (in 5 hours), and 1000€ is invoiced according to the contract and the actual hourly rate sold was 200€/h.
This way efficiency is achieved in the work productivity.
Changing the unit price to the invoice row with "Save & Generate Rows" button
When you deactivate the invoice row from the check box in the left-hand side, the sum changes above in the Tot. 0% section. Therefore, when you deselect the row, the sum of the invoice material in question is subtracted (see image below).
NB! Deactivated rows and rows not to be invoiced can be invoiced on another invoice or add to an already-existing invoice and marked as invoiced.
The difference between "Save" and "Save & Generate Rows" buttons
In the end, you can either update the invoice rows by clicking "Save & Generate Rows" or save and close by clicking "Save" in the lower right-hand corner of the invoice material pop-up window (see above image).
Save & Generate Rows: update invoice rows and save changes in the invoice material.
Save: saves only the changes made in the invoice material rows and the changes won't be made on the invoice itself.
NB! When you change the values in the Tot. 0% column and click "Save", only the selling price information that goes to reporting will change.
Filtering invoice information and numbers
In the upper left-hand side of the invoice material pop-up window, there are three dropdown menus: Laskuaineistonäkymän vasemmassa ylälaidassa on kolme alasvetovalikkoa: Invoicing material period, Projects ja Types.
Invoicing material period: Here you can select the time period, from which the invoice material is taken. The time period is set automatically based on where the latest billable information is. This time period can be changed, if the invoice material of a certain time period is wanted on the invoice.
Projects: Here you can select one or more projects, from which to take invoice material to the invoice.
Types: Here you can select either expenses, sales quotes or both (All) to be included in the invoice material.
Invoice row grouping
In the lower left-hand side of the invoice material pop-up window, there are three dropdown menus: Hours grouping, Travel expense grouping and Quote grouping.
Hours grouping: Here you can select, whether you'd like to show the hours specified, by employee and job type or just by job type.
Travel expense grouping: Here you can select, whether you'd like to show the expense rows specified, group them into single row or group daily allowance and mileage.
Quote grouping: Here you can select to bring the description rows to the invoice material, if you like.
Things to note in product invoicing
When products are invoiced on Heeros PSA, there are a few things to note in the product registry.
On Heeros PSA, the invoice material is taken to reporting from the invoice material pop-up window except for products. There are two things to note regarding products:
Tuotteen täytyy olla laskurivillä, jotta Heeros PSA saa tiedon laskutettavasta tuotteesta.
Tuotteen myyntihinta otetaan kahdesta eri paikasta riippuen siitä, miten tuote on laskutettu:
Product has been added on the sales invoice by using Add Item. In this case, the price and product can be taken to reports from the invoice rows.
If the product is invoiced as a scheduled invoice (from the project card), the product should be shown on the invoice row, BUT the unit price of the product is taken from the invoice material.
Other things to note:
Use the project structure main and sub-projects. This way you can make a recurrance or contract billing to one project, and one for hours. By using differing invoicing but by compiling the project into one entity.
Setting own work to accounting and reports
On Heeros PSA, there's a feature which gives you the chance to set the proportion of own work (billable hours) manually in relation to the total sum of the invoice.
The sum of the invoice is 1000€, which consists of 500€ of own work and 500€ of project-related expenses. With this tool, the amount of own work can be set to e.g. 700€ and project-related costs to 300€.
This can be activated as follows: Settings > Feature Settings > Invoicing & Bills.
Then two icons appear in the invoice material. The one on the right-hand side is the tool for own work.
Defining own work
Own work can be managed simply by setting it to the section assigned for it. Before the change this must be activated from the blue selection which.