Learn how to add hours, approved expenses, travel expenses, bills, and scheduled invoices to automatic invoices.
Add costs to automatic invoices
Group costs in the invoice
The automatic invoicing tool creates invoices and moves them automatically to the waiting status. You can also invoice other costs by adding them directly to this invoice.
Permissions: Invoicing
How to add costs to automatic invoice
When you create an automatic invoice you can choose to add costs to the automatic invoice. Costs can be tracked hours, approved expenses, travel expenses, and bills.
Navigate to the project
Click on the project to visit the project overview page
Click on Finances in the header
Select Automatic invoicing
You can view all your invoices here. To create a new one click on the green Add button
Activate the toggle switch under the Invoice Material column to see the dropdown with different invoicing-types
Activate the toggle next to the invoicing methods (hours, bills, expenses, scheduled) that you'd want to add to the automatic invoice
Use the grouping dropdowns to define how you want the hours and expenses to be invoiced
NB! Make sure that the invoicing methods (hours, bills, expenses, scheduled) are enabled on the project details page.