Invoice material is gathered into a project from targeted entries such as hour entries, expenses and down payments. You can add, remove and edit the material you are about to invoice.
What is Invoice material?
Searching/browsing Invoice material
Selecting Invoice material
Releasing Invoice material
Grouping Invoice material
Saving your changes
Invoicing material is gathered into a project from targeted entries such as hour entries, expenses and down payments. You can add, remove and edit the material you are about to invoice.
You can define how you want group and show those entries. Some of them can be shown in just one total row or with explicit details.
It is also possible to add/remove material from an invoice which is already invoiced to release entries back to invoicable material and vice versa.
When creating a blank invoice with out any project material, this is function/tool is not in use.
Permissions: Invoices, Projects
What is Invoice material?
Invoicing material is formed to projects from variety of targeted entries such as:
Scheduled Invoices
Travel Expenses and Expenses
You can edit the Invoicing material by clicking the button from an invoice.
→ The Invoicing material is opened as a pop-up for you to manage.
Heeros PSA is showing all the material which is defined to be "Invoicable" in your Project details (Invoicing tab).
Searching/browsing Invoice material
Invoicing material period: By default Heeros PSA is gathering all the material which are not invoiced from the project but you can scope the period as you like.
Projects: If there's more than one projects from the same customer you can add/remove those from your Invoicing material
Selecting Invoice Material
Click Edit on the invoice
Select Invoicing material
Tick the boxes from the rows in the material you would like to invoice (leaving out material will be brought back up when you are invoicing the next time)
Define how you want to group or how you want the rows to be viewed on the invoice
Click Save or Update invoicable rows (More about this on Saving your changes)
You can also always come back to already done and sent invoice and tell to Invoice material that this is/is not included on this invoice.
Releasing Invoice material
In situations where you have falsely targeted some material to a wrong project's invoice you can always release the material back to usage or target them to another project.
Click Edit on your invoice
Go to Invoice material. Tick the box empty in front of the row you want to release
After that the entry is now in Uninvoiced status and you'll be able to do the desired actions.
Grouping Invoice material
Grouping by Project: Define what would you like to create from selected projects
Separate invoices
Combined invoice (Requires the same project invoicing address)
Grouping the Hour entries and Tasks: Define how Hour entries and Tasks are shown on the invoice
By project
No grouping by project
By project and tasks
Grouping of Hour Entries: Define how Hour entries are shown on the invoice
By employee: Hours will be grouped by the employee on the invoice row. Amount of hours is 1.
By employee and task: Hours will be grouped by the employee and task on the invoice row. Amount of hours is 1.
By task: Hours will be grouped by the task on the invoice row. Amount of
hours is 1. -
All-in-on, show qty: Hours will be grouped all together showing the total amount of the hours
- All-in-on, qty 1: Hours will be grouped all together showing amount as 1 and with total sum.
By entry, show user: Hours will be shown entry by entry showing the all details inculing user's name.
- By entry, hide user: Hours will be shown entry by entry showing the all details excluding user's name.
By entry and user: Hours will be shown entry by entry with user's name shown first.
Grouping of Expenses: Define how your Expenses are shown on the invoice
Rows grouped altogether
Rows specified showing daily allowances, mileages and other costs separately
Group daily allowances and milages altogether with other costs separated
Grouping of Quote: Define whether you want to show/hide description rows from the Quote
Do not import description rows from Quote
Import description rows from Quote
Saving your changes
You can either Save your changes to Invoice materiel or Updating the changes to your actual invoice.
With the Save button you can save the changes you have created on your Invoice material without changing anything from the actual invoice.
Update invoice rows
With the Update invoice rows button you can save the changes to your Invoice material and to the content shown on your invoice according to how you have defined the Grouping of your material from the drowdowns on the bottom of the pop up window.