Learn how to lock time entries and configure time entry permissions.
Restrict adding back-dated entries
Restrict editing back-dated entries
Restrict users from adding entries for other companies
Locking timesheets can prevent backdated entries from being added or edited.
Permissions: Admin / Time Tracker
To restrict users from adding or editing back-dated entries:
Navigate to the Feature Settings from your Heeros PSA Settings
Select Time Management
Scroll down to Hour Entry Rules & Permissions
Enable the toggle button if you'd like to restrict users from adding and editing back-dated entries or restrict them from adding entries for other companies.
Adding the number of days to Add/edit back-dated entries field allows you to add/edit back-dated entries for the previous month for the given number of days in the current month. For example, if you've specified 5 in the Number of days and have restricted the user from adding new entries, they will be able to add new entries for the previous month only until the 5th of the current month.
If there is no number mentioned and the restrictions are enabled, you will not be allowed to Add/edit entries for the month after the end of the month.