With Heeros integration you can:
- create project invoices in PSA and transfer them to Heeros Sales Invoices for sending (through invoice operator to payers).
- review and pay your bills in Heeros Purchase Invoices and transfer them to PSA for project cost reporting.
Read more about Heeros tools from www.heeros.com.
In order to start using Heeros integration, you need to have a contract and access to Heeros Sales Invoices and Heeros Purchase Invoices (Heeros Menu). You need to also define sales accounts, VAT codes, dimensions, bill workflows and approval information to the integrations settings in Heeros PSA.
Permissions: Admin
PSA plans: Growth, Business, Enterprise, Enterprise +
Integration settings
Activate the Integration
- Go to Settings > Integrations > All integrations.
- Click Activate from Heeros integration box.
- Add your Heeros account details to the Authetication information fields and click Save. After successful saving your Heeros integration is active.
Username and password are your Heeros Menu credentials, i.e. the ones you use when normally logging in to Heeros Sales and Purchase Invoices. Or you can first create new credentials in Heeros Menu for this purpose with sufficient user rights for the needed applications. The Heeros Menu credentials are asked only once when activating the integration, after that the integration works for all PSA users.
Also the Accounting company ID (tilitoimistotunnus) and the end customer ID (loppuasiakastunnus) can be found from Heeros Menu, or you can find these ID numbers from the URL when you are logged in to Heeros Sales Invoices. For example, in the picture below, 12902 is accounting company ID and 00010 is end customer ID.
Sales invoices
You can define in which status the invoices go to Heeros Sales invoices, and whether customer and product data is created/updated from PSA to Heeros Sales Invoices during invoice transfers:
Send invoices to customers immediately after they are sent to Heeros sales invoices
- If the setting is on, the invoices will go into Sending mode. They are sent to recipients directly upon transfer, and they can no longer be edited or canceled.
- If the setting is off, the invoices go to Ready mode. Invoices can still be edited on the Heeros Sales invoices and must be sent separately from there.
- Create new customers in Heeros Sales Invoices
- Update existing customers in Heeros Sales Invoices
- Create new products in Heeros Sales Invoices
- Update existing products in Heeros Sales Invoices
Sales Accounts
Sales accounts (Tili nro) have to be created in Heeros Sales Invoices, then manually added to Heeros PSA & Small Business. Sales account selection will be visible on invoice row, you will be able to select one per row. Default sales account shown on invoice row, and it can be edited.
- Go to Settings > Integrations > All integrations.
- Open Heeros integration setting by clicking Edit.
- Click Add sales account.
- Enter Accounting account name and account name.
Sales account number has to be identical in Heeros and Heeros PSA & Small Business (name does not matter). - Set sales account as default as needed. Row is saved automatically.
View in Heeros Sales Invoices: Sales Accounts
VAT Codes
Vat codes (Alv-koodi) have to be created in Heeros Sales Invoices, then manually added to Heeros PSA. Please make sure that the codes in both programs are similar.
Vat code selection will be visible on invoice row, you will be able to select one per row. Default VAT code is shown on invoice row, and it can be edited. If vat code is not selected for the invoice row, the given vat percent will transfer with code "S".
- Go to Settings > Integrations > All integrations.
- Open Heeros integration setting by clicking Edit.
- Click Add VAT code.
- Enter VAT code, VAT code name and VAT %.
- Set VAT code as default as needed. Row is saved automatically.
View in Heeros Sales Invoices: VAT codes
Accounting objects (cost units/dimensions) have to be created in Heeros Sales Invoices, then manually added to Heeros PSA & Small Business. Heeros supports three (3) accounting object types/levels, for example cost unit, project and department.
- Go to Settings > Integrations > All integrations.
- Open Heeros integration setting by clicking Edit.
- Click Add dimensions.
- Enter accounting object type's/level's name (e.g. Cost unit). Save with the green button.
In front of the line, behind the three dots, select Add. Enter the name of the accounting object (e.g. Helsinki) and the code. Set as default if desired. Save with the green button.
Add all necessary accounting object levels (max 3) and the accounting objects they contain in the same way.
View in Heeros Sales Invoices: Accounting objects
Dimensions in invoices
The order of accounting object types is first defined in the general settings of Heeros sales invoices, and the same information must be added manually to Heeros PSA & Small Business.
- Go to Settings > Integrations > All integrations.
- Open Heeros integration setting by clicking Edit.
- Use the drop-down menus to set the accounting object types in the same order as they are in Heeros Sales Invoices. The selections are saved automatically.
View in Heeros Sales Invoices: Accounting objects 1-3
Bill workflows
Bills that are received in Heeros Purchase Invoices are always processed there, the last phase being payment. After that, the bills can also be transferred to PSA side to enable project cost tracking.
Workflows (approval process) and their phases are first defined in Heeros Purchase Invoices settings. After that, you decide with this PSA integration setting, which workflow phase in Heeros Purchase Invoices triggers the bill import to PSA. If you don't add any workflow to PSA settings, it will import all bills.
- Go to Settings > Integrations > All integrations > Heeros > Edit.
- Click Add workflow.
- Enter Workflow name and Status number. Row is saved automatically.
When choosing the transferring phase, please notice that:
- the bills must have postings, because sums and vat information are fetched from the posting rows.
- each day PSA fetches only those bills, which are currently in the chosen phase in Heeros Purchase Invoices.
For this reason we recommend transferring the bills from the last phase (where they stay multiple days). This way also no unnecessary bills are transferred. If there are multiple bills types and workflows, you may also create a new workflow for the transferable bills, for example "Project bills".
In the integrations settings the three different rules concerning workflows are:
- If only the workflow name is added, all invoices are fetched from that workflow.
- If only phase number is added, all invoices are fetched from that phase in all workflows.
- If both are added, only invoices from that phase in that workflow are fetched.
Read more about the daily automatic fetching of bills here.
View in Heeros Purchase Invoices: Approval process
Bill accounts
You can import/get accounts automatically from Heeros Purchase Invoices settings.
- Go to Settings > Integrations > All integrations.
- Open Heeros setting by clicking Edit.
- Click Get accounts. All accounts are fetched from Heeros settings and those can be used on bills.
Bill dimensions
You can import/get dimensions automatically from Heeros Purchase Invoices settings.
- Go to Settings > Integrations > All integrations.
- Open Heeros integration setting by clicking Edit.
- Click Get dimensions. All dimensions are fetched from Heeros settings and those can be used on bills.
Bill VAT codes
You can import/get VAT codes automatically from Heeros Purchase Invoices settings.
- Go to Settings > Integrations > All integrations.
- Open Heeros integration setting by clicking Edit.
- Click Get VAT codes. All VAT codes are fetched from Heeros settings and those can be used on bills.
Approval information
Specify to whom and to which phase of the approval process the (manually created) purchase invoices transferred from Heeros PSA are placed in Heeros Purchase invoices. The selection is the same for all purchase invoices.
- Activate the function
- Choose Project dimension name, meaning the Accounting object type name in Heeros Purchase Invoices
- Click Upload all active... -function. The program transfers the projects, if their number is not already found in Heeros purchase invoices' Accounting objects. A maximum of 1,000 projects are transferred at once. If there are more projects, please repeat the function after approx. 1 hour.
View in Heeros Purchase Invoices: Registers > Accounting objects
Product register
You can use Heeros Sales Invoices products in Heeros PSA & Small Business by adding the products to the Heeros PSA & Small Business register. See article "Products and inventory management" for details.
In the product register, there is a column called "Integration ID" when the Heeros integration is activated. The product code used in Heeros sales invoices must be entered in this field. The integration ID is used when sending invoices to Heeros sales invoices.
The product code is required for data transfer for all invoice lines, so we use a general product code for invoice lines that do not have their own product code.
In the product page, you can set the default VAT code (on the Product info tab), sales account and accounting objects on three levels (on the Accounting Information tab).
Sending invoice to Heeros Sales Invoices
Customer details
- We recommend to always create new customers (receiver of the invoice) in Heeros PSA because it automatically syncs the information with the invoice. When the PSA customer's first invoice is sent to Heeros sales invoices, the data transfer creates a new customer at the same time in Heeros sales invoices customer register. PSA also automatically fills in the Heeros ID to the customer card for future use (detects the next available customer ID in Heeros Sales Invoices).
- Note! If the customer is first created in Heeros sales invoices, you must create the customer manually in Heeros PSA and add the Heeros ID (customer ID in Heeros Sales Invoices) manually to the customer card.
- Also remember to enter the official country code in Country field of the customer's billing address - not the country name. For example, FI instead of Finland.
VAT codes
In the basic view of the invoice, you can select the VAT code for each invoice line separately, or from the right sidebar the same VAT code for all lines at once.
NOTE! In general, the VAT code is inherited for the invoice rows from the default settings or from the information in the project material (e.g. hours, scheduled invoicing row). However, when automatic invoicing is used, only the VAT percentage is inherited to the invoice rows and the VAT code remains empty. The VAT codes must then be added in the invoice view. If the invoice is sent without VAT codes, a VAT code "S" and the VAT percentages in the rows are transferred (which may cause extra work on Heeros Sales Invoices / Accounting side).
Sales account and accounting objects
In the Show accounting view, you can see the sales accounts and accounting objects of the invoice lines. The default information comes from the product register. You can edit the data per invoice line or use the copy function on the right edge to copy the same selections to all lines.
The program informs with an error message at the top of the view, if the order of accounting objects on the invoice differs from the settings.
Attachments can be max 2 Mb total per invoice, including all attachments. NOTE! Attachments will only transfer to Heeros Sales Invoices after the status check done by PSA, see below (meaning attachments of invoices in Sending status have not yet been transferred).
Transfer of the invoice
You can transfer invoices to Heeros Sales Invoices using the Print & Export > Send to Heeros function.
At first the sent invoice changes to Sending status in Heeros PSA.
PSA performs a check every 30 minutes between 6 am and 6 pm, which updates the status of successfully transferred invoices to Sent, provides error messages for invoices that encountered errors (see Errors section) and brings Paid status to paid invoices. For invoices sent after 6 pm, the status will be updated the following morning.
NOTE! Attachments will only transfer to Heeros Sales Invoices after the status check done by PSA (meaning attachments of invoices in Sending status have not yet been transferred).
If you decide to export invoice as Finvoice XML-format and import it manually to Heeros Sales Invoices, you need to modify XML-file before it can be imported.
Possible errors are shown in upper right corner. From there, the Show invoices function will bring you a list of invoices which have errors. By clicking the three dots in front of the invoice row, you can choose Handle error.
The errors are also shown in the beginning of each row with an exclamation mark.
Select the error handling function:
- Revert and edit invoice
- Send invoice again
- Clear error: Select this only if the invoice is already found in Heeros sales invoices and the error message is invalid.
Automatic fetching of bills to PSA
Automatic bills fetching from Heeros Purchase Invoices to PSA runs once a day at 04.00 am. The import is based on the integration settings you have made in Heeros PSA.
- Please notice that each day PSA fetches only those bills, which are currently in the chosen phase (defined in integration settings) in Heeros Purchase Invoices.
- PSA filters purchase invoices based on the date of their indexes in Heeros Purchase Invoices. Heeros Purchase Invoices updates the index when a purchase invoice is moved from a workflow phase to another. PSA only fetches purchase invoices that have updated their indexes in the last 7 days to keep requests as lightweight as possible.
- PSA fetches the image of the purchase invoice and data filled in Heeros Purchase Invoices fields (for example sum and VAT are fetched from the posting rows, not from an invoice file).
- The purchase invoice is assigned to PSA's default invoice receiver without project, unless the invoice includes the following data (one reference per invoice):
- If the invoice contains a PR/PRJ number (same that can be found in PSA project's E-invoice target field) on some invoice field, the invoice will be automatically associated with that project and its project manager.
- If the invoice contains a PO number in some invoice field, and similar purchase order has been saved in PSA, the invoice is associated with that purchase order, its project and project manager.
- If the invoice contains a US number in some invoice field, the invoice will be assigned to that user.
Sending bills to Heeros Purchase Invoices
Manually created bills can be sent to Heeros Purchase Invoices from Bills > Print & Export > Send to Heeros.
An error message is shown if the invoice details are not sufficient.
- If VAT codes have been fetched from Heeros earlier, they must be chosen on the bill rows.
- Attachment file is mandatory.
- If "Heeros Supplier ID" in the account card is empty, PSA tries to find the supplier number from Heeros based on the supplier name and business ID when invoice is being sent. If supplier is not found, PSA creates the supplier to Heeros before sending the invoice and saves the supplier number to PSA. Suppliers can be added, but not updated via the transfer. When new customer is created in PSA, next available supplier number will be set to it automatically.
After successful sending, you will be asked if you wish to archive the bill in PSA and add a comment on it.