How to activate permissions for goals insights & How to track goals in Reports
How to activate permissions for goals insights
BI reporting for goals
Quarterly view
Monthly view
Account and project-specific goals tracking
Use the Goals Insights to get a 360° view of all your accounts performance on targets and forecasts.
Permissions: Accounts and Goals
How to activate permissions for goals insights
Go to Settings > User Management > Permissions > Goals Insight (under Insights)
BI reporting for goals
Analyse your targets and forecasts with Heeros PSA's own BI reporting tool.
With the BI reporting tool, you can create a dynamic reporting system for your organization, with which you can track budgeting for your accounts in seamlessly in real time.
Quarterly view
See an overview for the quarter and the whole fiscal year (actual vs target, in %).
Monthly view
Monthly tracking and amount remaining (actual vs actual).
Account and project-specific goals tracking
In the list view, you can arrange rows per account, account group, account manager and sub-units.
From the Month dropdown menu, you can select and track target vs. actual for a specific month and week.
By clicking the row, you can go deeper into how well you've managed to accomplish your targets, per account and project for each entity.
In addition to this, you can go deeper into data per account and project by clicking the blue names on the Project column.