- Adding Travel Expense
- Editing Travel Expense
- Submitting Travel Expense for Approval
- Copying Travel Expense
- Adding Travel Expense from Time Entry
Travel expenses are costs incurred by the employee due to work-related travel, such as travel tickets or mileage reimbursements, per diems, and other expenses incurred during the trip.
Permissions: Expenses > Add expenses
PSA plans: Business, Enterprise, Enterprise+
Adding Travel Expense
Go to the section Costs > Travel Expenses.
Click on New Travel Expense or from the top menu Add New > Travel Expense.
Add Travel Expense details in the newly opened view:
- Select the Project to which the expense is targeted.
- If costs targeting feature is activated in the settings, choose Quote and Quote row if necessary
- Add Description (purpose of the trip).
- Add Route (e.g., Helsinki-Turku-Helsinki).
- Add Start Date and Time, End Date and Time.
- If the project is in a billable state, and the travel expense will be invoiced to the customer, check the Bill Customer box.
Click Add Expense Rows.
Add Mileage allowances if necessary by clicking Add row, complete the details, and Save.
Options for the Allowance drop-down menu are retrieved from settings. - Add an additional mileage cost (such as additional passenger) if necessary by clicking the three dots in front of the row you just created > Add an additional mileage cost. Complete the details and Save.
Options for the Additional allowance dropdown are retrieved from settings. -
If necessary, add Daily allowances by clicking Add row, complete the details, and Save.
Allowance types in the Allowance drop-down menu are retrieved from settings. If suitable allowance type is missing, please contact your admin user.
Meals option appears if your company's home country is Finland, and the selected daily allowance type mentions "Suomi" or "Finland." The selected meals reduce the amount of the daily allowance following the Finnish tax authority's guidelines. The function only works with daily allowances in Finland. -
If necessary, add Other allowances (such as travel tickets) by clicking Add row, complete the details, and Save.
Options for the Expense type drop-down menu are retrieved from settings. -
Add Attachments if you haven't added them previously on each row.
Click Preview.
Review the Travel Expense Details and click either:
- Save as Draft: The draft is visible only to you, allowing, for example, the creation of a travel expense in advance.
- Save: The saved travel expense moves to the Waiting state, waiting for the approver's action.
Close the view by clicking Done or View Travel Expense.
Editing Travel Expense
Create expenses permission - the invoice creator can edit contents of:
Draft and Waiting invoices, if they have not been invoiced to the customer yet. -
Edit all expenses permission - user can edit contents of:
invoices in Waiting, Approved, Rejected, and Archived states, if they have not been invoiced to the customer yet. - Note! The content of an travel expense invoice already invoiced to the customer or transferred to an integration cannot be edited at all.
You can open the travel expense from the list either by clicking on its number or by clicking View from the three dots.
Submitting Travel Expense for Approval
If you didn't save the invoice directly to the Waiting state during its creation phase, you can move it for approval in the following ways:
Single invoice
By checking the row and clicking from the three dots in front of the row (or from the Options menu) > Set as waiting
OR by opening the travel expense and clicking Actions > Set to waiting status
Multiple invoices
- Select the invoices by checking them and click Options > Set as waiting
Copying Travel Expense
You can copy an old invoice as a basis for a new one. When copying, all information from the old invoice is transferred, except for attachments.
Go to the Costs > Travel Expenses section.
Click on the three dots in front of the travel expense row to be copied > Duplicate.
The processing of the new travel expense opens in a new view. Check and save the information.
Adding Travel Expenses from Time Entry
You can add travel expenses in Time Entry. In the Add hours view:
Select Add New > Mileage, Daily allowance, or Other expense.
Fill in the details for each expense.
Click Save. The travel expense is saved directly to the Waiting state, awaiting approval.