PSA's new reports can be found from the sidebar, under New reports. In this beta phase, five reporting modules are accessible: Invoicing, Scheduled invoicing, Hours, Costs and Projects. Later on, more modules will be added in one by one, as they are completed.
The new reporting modules are visible to the users based on their permissions (User management > Permissions > New reports).
We have created some default reports for you. In addition, you can create your own report templates.
Permissions: New Reports
PSA plans: Free, Growth, Business, Enterprise, Enterprise+
Data is fetched only for the selected report timespan, and a timespan must be defined when creating a new report. The date by which the filtering happens is explained for each module below. It is possible to filter the data either by an absolute timespan (i.e. 01.06.2024-01.08.2024) or by a relative timespan. Selecting a relative timespan means the report updates based on the current date and thus is dynamic. Options for the relative timespan are shown in the picture below.
Columns that are shown are module-based, but shared dimensions are always shown for accounts, projects, and users. This means that whenever there is an account, project or user tied to the entity in question, same related columns are carried over to each report (for example for an invoice row, there is an account tied to the invoice, so account group, industry, tags etc. are also shown as selectable columns in the invoicing module).
Timespan filtering happens based on: invoice date.
The smallest entity (i.e. one row) is an invoice row. Invoice row data includes columns from the invoice row, the invoice it belongs to, the account, project, company, creator and so on.
Note: invoice drafts show as Waiting invoices.
Scheduled invoicing
Timespan filtering happens based on: invoice date.
The smallest entity (i.e. one row) is an uninvoiced scheduled invoice row.
Payment term is fetched from the account and estimated due date is calculated based on the scheduled invoice date and the payment term.
Timespan filtering happens based on: hour entry date.
The smallest entity (i.e. one row) is an hour entry.
The criteria for an hour to be shown as billable/non-billable is as follows:
- The project is billable → it's hours are shown as billable, unless:
- The project's hours are marked as billable from a certain date forward, only the hours on & after that date are shown as billable
- The hour entry is manually marked as non-billable from the project's actual costs
- If the hour entry is already invoiced, it is always shown as billable.
Timespan filtering happens based on: bill date, expense date or travel expense end date.
The smallest entity (i.e. one row) is a cost row: expense row, travel expense row, bill row, or manually added project cost row.
Timespan filtering happens based on: project start date and end date – projects that have been active during the selected timespan based on their start and end dates are shown.
The smallest entity (i.e. one row) is a project.
The project module differs from other modules, as projects have lots of relevant material tied into them. With Material period filter above the table, you can select a timespan that filters the values of certain columns of the report. The columns this selection affects are marked with a calendar icon.
For example: if you want to look at this year's projects and May's sums, Timespan is this year and Material period is May.
Interface & actions
The main reports interface consists of:
1. A tab bar
Let's you select the report module and report template. Includes a button to Create Report, Save report & open the Report gallery.
2. A toolbar above the table
Let's you select the Currency, Report timespan and Material period. Shows active filters and includes a button to Export as Excel/CSV.
3. The main table
Shows the data, let's you perform a quick search per column, pin columns etc.
4. A toolbar on the right side
Includes buttons for opening Columns & Filters menus.
5. A totals footer
Includes the calculated totals for relevant columns.
6. A fixed footer
Includes the amount of rows & some figures regarding selected cells (min, max, avg, sum etc.)
Selecting columns
You can open up the Columns menu from the toolbar on the right side.
Here you can select the columns that are visible simply by clicking on their checkboxes. Columns are ordered alphabetically, and custom fields for accounts and projects are at the end of the list. You can also search for columns through the Search input on the top.
Grouping data
Grouping data happens through the same Columns menu – you just simply drag a column from the drag indicator (square of dots next to the checkbox) and drop it in the Row Groups box below. You can group rows on multiple levels, so you can drag more than one column here and change their order as needed.
Parent level values on grouped data
Parent level calculations for grouped data (what values the parent row cells show) are defined in the Values box. Here, you can select whether you want the parent row to show a sum/average/min/max of the numeric child rows. Changing the function used happens simply by clicking on the row inside the Values box.
Pivoting data
With Pivot Mode, you can set values as columns.
For example, if you want to report invoicing monthly by customers: set accounts as Row Groups, Month (invoice date) as Column Labels, and sum as Values.
Filtering data
You can filter the content of the table either directly from the columns (addressed next) or by opening the Filters menu from the toolbar on the right side.
Here, you can select (or search for) columns you want to filter on, and open the filtering options by expanding the row by clicking on it. Different filter types are shown for different types of columns (text/numeric/date). The Reset button here (or Clear all button in the toolbar) simply resets all changes made to the filter, so all data is shown again.
Column actions
Rearrange columns by dragging and dropping.
Sort the content of a column in ascending or descending order by using the arrow icon.
Set secondary or tertiary sorts by holding down the shift key and clicking on columns in the needed order. (In pre-made report templates, sorts have already been applied.)
Perform a quick search for a column by typing in the input. The rows of the table are then filtered to match the search (the exact value can be found from a cell below).
If a more advanced search is needed, the filter menu can be opened by clicking the filter icon next to the input. Here, more advanced & combined searches can be performed. Different filter types are shown for different types of columns (text/numeric/date).
More column actions can be taken by clicking the column menu:
Pin column left or right, so that the needed column stays put when you scroll the page horizontally.
Value aggregation determines what values the parent row cells show (same feature in Columns section).
Autosize columns, if they have been widened.
Group data by the selected column (same feature in Columns section).
Reset all the column settings.
Expand or Close all row groups.
Right-click table actions
Right-clicking a cell in the table opens up an action menu. If multiple cells are selected by clicking and dragging, only the selected rows will be included in the action. If nothing is selected, and right-click happens on a single cell, the entire table is included.
Copy/with headers/with group headers
Chart range lets you generate charts (example of pie chart below). Note that this may require data grouping first.
Export the content either as an Excel file or as .csv (same feature can be found in the toolbar above table). Note: only the visible rows are exported. When exporting grouped data, expand or close the row groups in UI, in order to export only parent rows or also their child rows.
Report templates
Heeros has created some default reports for you. In addition, you can create your own report templates.
Creating a new report template
Creating a new report "from scratch" happens from the plus button in the tab bar.
Here, you need to define a report timespan, report name, report description and to whom the report is shared. After filling in all of the required information, the report is saved by clicking the Create report button.
Initially, this new template is created with no filters, no grouping, and with all columns visible. After creation, it's possible to select the wanted configuration and save it. Saving the template is described next in more detail.
Saving a report template
1. After you have done changes to the data you're viewing at the moment, you can save the configuration by clicking on the Save report button on the top right. The active table configuration will be saved as a template:
- Visible columns
- Column order
- Row groupings
- Aggregate functions
- Filters
- Currency selection
- Material period for project module
2. Saving will open a new dialog. If the report you were viewing and editing has been created by you, you can choose to save the edits as part of that existing template (Save report). Otherwise, you'll save your changes as a new report template (step 3).
3. For a new report template you need to define a new name and a description.
You can also choose to share the template with other users in your organization (depending on your user rights). You can share the report to:
- Everyone
- Some company within the organization (Enterprise+)
- Some team within a company
- Some user within a company
Visible companies/teams/users are defined by the read permission to the used module (which is editable by the admin user in the settings.)
If a selected user doesn't have the necessary permissions to view the report, a warning is shown together with a text indicator after the name of the user. Same applies if the user has a limited permission (for example only has the permission to view hours for own projects, and thus not all same data is shown).
Viewing & opening report templates
Viewing report templates happens through the Report gallery icon on the top right.
Here, you will see all default reports, reports that have been created by you or shared to you.
Default reports are marked with Heeros plus indicator:
Reports shared with you show an indicator on the right side, and hovering on the indicator shows who has shared this report with you and when.
You can open a report simply by clicking on it. Other actions in report gallery:
- Search or Show certain reports
- Edit or Delete reports: edit the name, description or sharing options.
- Pin reports: mark a report as favorite, and it will be pinned to the tap bar for easier access.